Punk Rock: Classic and Modern

The REOFFENDERS are on an indefinite break. Never say never, but we currently have no plans to play. However, we had joy and we had fun... and we blogged about it. Enjoy reading and reliving some good times.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

My Mate Marmite

On Monday, we had our first band practice at Dunchideock. We decided to give it a go at the old Mill because the soundproofing is so much better. They also have a kettle for coffee making purposes - wins me over everytime!

It was a bit odd to seeing Greg through the glass headbanging along to whatever we were playing, but it's good to have an appreciative audience.

Paul arrived armed with lyrics and riffs for the Marmite Song and we got on quite well with it. I must admit that I find it difficult to find melodies and to sing along to a song doesn't actually exist in the recorded world. John is much better at improvising than me.

Kate passed on a CD of other songs that we might want to consider covering. There's a completely bonkers version of Supercalafragalista espialidoshus (excuse the spelling if it's wrong!), that could go down well at Paignton. I preferred the ska punk version of Seasons in The Sun and Kids in America. Now that we have a good set length, we can add and take away for each gig so that we always play a variation of set. We've got to keep the old classics in there as the core though.


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Monday, February 14, 2005

Give that man a coconut grandma

I received the following set list suggestion the other day:

Song: Give that man a coconut grandma
Artist: Mel Smursh and the Redbins

Bizarre, but hey, there were some odd songs out there. I emailled the rest of the band to find out if anyone had ever heard of this obvious classic.

John confessed that he'd been wondering what happens when someone submits a suggestion so just filled in the first thing that came into his head - which of course was Give that man a coconut grandma. Too much cheese before bed, Mr Hoover?


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Rubbing shoulders with the stars

John got this email from the man himself!

"Chris T-T here, I hope you're well.

Funny, only last week my manager found your setlist and sent me the link. Was particularly chuffed to be in the 'classics' section (!), so thankyou kindly. No pints necessary, though I hope we cross paths at some point.

Take care, great lineup,


We're rubbing shoulders with the stars now! :-)

See the Chris T-T website


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YukWe received a suggestion for a new song from my mate Davie - The Marmite Song!

It seems that our references to marmite in our biogs isn't sufficient, we have to wear the stuff on our sleeve!

Paul has taken up the challenge and emailled me some lyrics and is already working out some riffs and tabs so that we can practice it next week.

Davie! What have you done!


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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

End of Recording Session

John in the studioPaul, John and I went back to the studio to listen to the draft mix of the CDs. John and I had some backing vocals still to do on Debaser and Celebrity Skin and Paul wanted to add some guitar work.

You don't realise until you actually do it how long it can take to record a few songs. I can appreciate now why it takes bands months to work on a new album.

We've all got a copy of the CD now so we have to listen to it and get back to Greg with any comments, eg. the backing needs to be dropped back abit on Celebrity Skin, some songs need abit of reverb, etc. Once we've all had a listen, the final mix will be done.


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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Tonight.... I'm a Rock n Roll Starrrrr!

Paul in the studioHaving spent a full day at The Old Mill Recording Studio, we're all feeling pretty good!

We started by playing all of the tracks with everyone miked up separately. Brucie had 6 separate mikes on the drums! The vocals were only recorded as a guide and were to be done properly afterwards, the important thing was to get the drums.

We'd originally aimed for 5 songs, but Greg was happy that we had lots of time so we ended up recording 9, as follows:
  • I want Candy

  • Anarchy in the UK

  • Toxic

  • 99 Red Balloons

  • Teenage Kicks

  • Debaser

  • Ever Fallen in Love

  • Celebrity Skin

  • Hate to say I told you so

We've still got some touching up to do of backing vocals and guitar so we're going back to finish it tomorrow and to mix it. We'll probably only use 4 or 5 songs for the CD to give to pubs when we're plugging ourselves for gigs, but it's nice to have the extras in the bag.


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