We started by playing all of the tracks with everyone miked up separately. Brucie had 6 separate mikes on the drums! The vocals were only recorded as a guide and were to be done properly afterwards, the important thing was to get the drums.
We'd originally aimed for 5 songs, but Greg was happy that we had lots of time so we ended up recording 9, as follows:
- I want Candy
- Anarchy in the UK
- Toxic
- 99 Red Balloons
- Teenage Kicks
- Debaser
- Ever Fallen in Love
- Celebrity Skin
- Hate to say I told you so
We've still got some touching up to do of backing vocals and guitar so we're going back to finish it tomorrow and to mix it. We'll probably only use 4 or 5 songs for the CD to give to pubs when we're plugging ourselves for gigs, but it's nice to have the extras in the bag.
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