With a 7.15am flight to Guernsey last Friday, the only sensible thing to do on Thursday evening was go to the pub! So with about 3 hours sleep, we stumbled into Exeter Airport at 6am to catch the Red Eye flight.
The airport was unusually quiet and for a change, Bully didn't get fleeced by security. He is a bit dodgy looking, you have to admit ;-) The flight arrived to Guernsey early and a taxi was outside ready and waiting! Smooth as a mouse!

We dumped our bags at the Doghouse and headed into St Peter Port for breakfast. We went down the concrete steps which were a bit wet and my trainers slipped and I sort of surfed down three steps before falling on my back. I'm sure it looked spectactular! The rest of the band showed concern rather than laugh (which they did for the rest of the weekend). Ouch!
We had a really crappy breakfast - well I had baked potato which tasted chemically. And my coffee was grey! urgh! So feeling tired and sore, we went back to base.
After soundchecking, we all tried to get a bit of sleep before dinner and then showtime!
The ladies of Deutshe Bank were having a meal and were all dressed in pink (don't know why... Children in Need maybe?) but were in fine form, dancing to The Bangles and Kim Wilde in between huge glasses of rose.

The next day, we were treated to a tour of the island by David, owner of the Doghouse. He's got a big mercedes so squished four of us in the back and Bully in the front. I'm so pleased he didn't have a Micra or Fiesta! He drove us around the south of the island before stopping at the Rockmount and Cobo (two of his other properties) for lunch. We had a walk along the beach with his dog towards a German lookout. It's amazing the structures that they built within only 5 years of occupation.

We drove round to the North of the island and then back to the Doghouse, with the offer of a gig on the balcony of Cobo on August Bank Holiday weekend. They close the road and the audience stand on the road and the beach watching the gig. It's said to be rather good fun. We've got some other committments that weekend, but if we can do it, it would be great.
Gig time came round again with a very different audience this time. These guys wanted punk so we chopped out some of the cheesier stuff that the pink ladies had enjoyed and stuck with the classics.
The next day, we had a lovely lunch at the doghouse before going for a walk on what was a beautiful autumn day. I was really sad to be coming home to be honest. The Doghouse staff are so welcoming and friendly - a real home from home. We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Cheers