Punk Rock: Classic and Modern

The REOFFENDERS are on an indefinite break. Never say never, but we currently have no plans to play. However, we had joy and we had fun... and we blogged about it. Enjoy reading and reliving some good times.

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

August Gig 4/19 - Finn McCouls, Falmouth

What with the late night, things started quite slow at chez Morph'n'Hoov, but eventually the van was loaded, the coffee was drank, and we set off down the A30, Cornwall-bound.

After driving through, well, driving rain, it was a pleasure to pitch camp at the start of a beautiful evening.

Over to Falmouth for one of our "never-been-there-before" gigs. Finn Mcouls was a welcoming, friendly and small venue. After playing Butlins the night before at an 1100-seater venue we set up in the window of Finn McCouls, with Bully wedged between his own amplifier and cab and the PA speaker.

We got travelling fans, as Joe's dad, who's seen us before in Taunton works down in Cornwall midweek and came along with a load of his workmates to cheer us on.

Not long into the set I looked over at squashed Bully and thought, nobody can see him! No matter I introduced Bully and pointed him out behind the speaker. He leaned out and waved, and the audience waved back. From then on every half and hour or so I'd turn to Bully, "you still there Bully?" and he'd wave and everybody waved back. Lovely.

People came and went and more stayed than left and by the end of the night we'd had a pretty good, and appreciative audience. It was especially nice that the pub had an upstairs with a handy balcony overlooking the band, so during 99 Red Balloons I cascaded the band and audience from above with the requisite two bags full of balloons.

Met some lovely people at half time and after the gig. Took, forever to pack away (lots of talking ahem) and eventually boogied on back to the campsite.

Best quote of the night from the young lady I spoke to at the end..."the best bit was when you came over and were sick on me"... honest, I wasnt really...

Thanks to Helen and all the staff, who danced their socks off behind the bar, which is always a great sight to see.

Miles on the van today = 177
Total miles in August = 451
T-shirts sold in August = 3

Hoover x


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