It felt odd last night having a gig on a Tuesday night, but it was the first of five Butlins gigs that we have booked during "family weeks". Normally we do the adult only weekends so this was a step into the unknown.
We got there at 9pm and had a wander through the audience to watch a bit of one of the other bands and get the lay of the land. The band were playing lots of pop songs, things like Gina G, Shania Twain and Tiffany. Oh dear! We could be in trouble!
We went back stage to get ready and were lucky that there was a duo .. us which meant that Katie could set up the drumkit while they were playing. It always makes life easier if you've got more time to do things.
We did line checks at 10.30pm and twenty minutes later we were good to go, a little earlier than scheduled. We played a blistering set, it really flowed well with no gaps in between except when Hoover was chatting to the audience. He was on fine form and frequently jumped off the stage to go running into the audience - which they loved even if they looked a little nervous.
The audience loved it, we were getting huge cheers after each song. There was a redcoat at either side of the stage and they were dancing with some of the kids. Blimey, they must be fit to keep that up all night! I suspect they had to dance a bit faster to us than they normally do.
It was insanely hot on stage. I'd forgotted quite how hot big stage lights get and by the end of our set, my hair was dripping wet. Nice! Perhaps not my best look ;-)
Within 20 minutes of coming off stage, the backstage area was being locked up for the night and so we piled back in the van. Our performance was quite short by our normal standards but very fast and furious. And then it was all over... so quickly! Boo... hiss.... I wanna do it again! NOW! Oh well, we're back there in a couple of weeks time. By the end of August, we'll be old hands at it all :-)

We went back stage to get ready and were lucky that there was a duo .. us which meant that Katie could set up the drumkit while they were playing. It always makes life easier if you've got more time to do things.
We did line checks at 10.30pm and twenty minutes later we were good to go, a little earlier than scheduled. We played a blistering set, it really flowed well with no gaps in between except when Hoover was chatting to the audience. He was on fine form and frequently jumped off the stage to go running into the audience - which they loved even if they looked a little nervous.
The audience loved it, we were getting huge cheers after each song. There was a redcoat at either side of the stage and they were dancing with some of the kids. Blimey, they must be fit to keep that up all night! I suspect they had to dance a bit faster to us than they normally do.
It was insanely hot on stage. I'd forgotted quite how hot big stage lights get and by the end of our set, my hair was dripping wet. Nice! Perhaps not my best look ;-)
Within 20 minutes of coming off stage, the backstage area was being locked up for the night and so we piled back in the van. Our performance was quite short by our normal standards but very fast and furious. And then it was all over... so quickly! Boo... hiss.... I wanna do it again! NOW! Oh well, we're back there in a couple of weeks time. By the end of August, we'll be old hands at it all :-)

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