To top off our booking with The Warwickshire Scooter Alliance (27 March, Coventry) we've now also been booked to play the Llandudno National Scooter Rally on 1 May.
Both gigs will be highlights of great weekends. For the March weekend we'll be playing The Criterion in Leicester on Friday 26th before pointing the VW towards Coventry for the WSA Do. The Criterion is a Camra award-winning pub that specialises in Real Ales and Pizzas. In an uncanny coincidence, The REOFFENDERS also specialise in Real Ale and Pizzas. I suspect this one will be a late one!
Then we'll be off to Coventry, where we'll be in a really nicely-sized venue for the band. I've had a look at The Jolly Beggars Club on the web and I'm expecting it to be a great night.
For the Mayday weekend, we'll be trucking up to Llandudno for our first National Scooter Rally. The artwork's not out for this one yet, but you'll find it at www.vfmscoot.co.uk when it appears.
And if a National Scooter Rally isn't enough, we'll be wrapping up the weekend on Sunday with the first outside gig of the year at The Vintage in Wellington for much jumping up and down and climbing of lamp-posts.
...and I haven't even mentioned the two beer festivals we're doing this year. It's shaping up to be a great year :o))
Best wishes
ps. watch this space for possibly a third Scooter Rally to be added to the list!
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