We arrived there mid afternoon to setup and to pitch tents. First entertainment of the day was watching Rob and Debi scratching their heads over how to put up the tent that they'd borrowed, but we did all help out rather than let them struggle with it.
After a sit in the sun with a beer and some BBQ food, I watched the start of The Darlington's set and then went to get changed into stagewear. The time just seemed to vanish!
We had a few new songs for tonight so I deliberately didn't indulge in the barrels of beer that Andy and Helen had got in. Not till I get the words right!
Most of the audience hadn't seen us before and didn't seem entirely sure what to make of us at first, but they soon got into the spirit of things and the party really got going!

We'd also be learning a song specifically for this gig - The Village People, In the Navy! There were lots of navy types leaping around excitedly, which I assume doesn't normally happen to cheesy songs as a rule. Indesit and Hoover both really like the song and think it might get another airing. Rob's threatening to cut his fingers off on stage if we do. Watch this space!

Thanks to Helen, Andy and Joe for making us part of the party. We had an absolute ball! If you want to see more photos, head on over to the photo album on Facebook. Oh and become a fan while you're there ;-)
Was a good party! Thanks to Paul for letting me play and use his amp during the afternoon and also the Darlingtons for letting me use theirs for Dammit!
By parsons19, at 3:27 pm, July 06, 2009
It was a great night. Thanks for helping it happen. Andy and I are totally knackered. Think from the pics I should put the striped trousers on ebay and retire gracefully!!!!
By Helen P, at 3:59 pm, July 06, 2009
Was a good party! Thanks to Paul for letting me play and use his amp during the afternoon and also the Darlingtons for letting me use theirs for Dammit!
It was a great night. Thanks for helping it happen. Andy and I are totally knackered. Think from the pics I should put the striped trousers on ebay and retire gracefully!!!!
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