The REOFFENDERS 2008 ended in the Vintage at Wellington. Sadly, it also ended the era of Katie Tefal on the drums.
We got to the Vintage earlier than we normally would so that we could set up with time spare and to allow for more people there than normal. I also wanted to do some newer, scarier might take time.
The Wellington locals were in fancy dress for the night. My favourites were Captain Jack Sparrow (he'd obviously rehearsed his accent for months!) and Pingu, who made me smile everytime I saw him punching the air with his flipper.
Katie had provided me with a list of the songs that she wanted to play at her last gig! There was bloomin' millions of them! Well, slight exaggeration but it did seem like a suicide mission on her part. It amused me slightly that a lot of the songs that she's commented "knacker her", were in her chosen setlist. I guess its no fun if its easy ;-)
We ended the first half at about 11.45pm to give people a chance to do New Year celebrations. It was really odd... suddenly there was no one in the pub! Taking a peek outside, the whole street outside was full of people hugging.
We started the second half with a punky Auld Lang Syne before getting back to more classic punkiness.
Paul Indesit started playing drums earlier in the year so it had been suggested some time ago that the musicians swap instruments. Paul moved to the drums, Bully moved to guitar and Katie picked up the bass. Talented buggers! Obviously none of them would be able to sing sufficiently well so John and I stayed where we were. *ahem*
The gig finished at about 1.45am at which point people were looking a bit tired after all the jumping about all night. John said a few words about Katie leaving us and manage to reduce her to tears. I gave her a big hug and the whole pub went "awwwww". I'm not sure that helped the tears ;-)
We drove back to Topsham where we gave Katie some keepsakes to remind her of us. We're gonna miss her. Check out her solo stuff at
Big thank you to Clive and Yvette for Katie's lovely card. Also thanks to all at the Vintage who helped make it a very special night. Oh and to Jack Sparrow... it never would have worked ;-)
We got to the Vintage earlier than we normally would so that we could set up with time spare and to allow for more people there than normal. I also wanted to do some newer, scarier might take time.
The Wellington locals were in fancy dress for the night. My favourites were Captain Jack Sparrow (he'd obviously rehearsed his accent for months!) and Pingu, who made me smile everytime I saw him punching the air with his flipper.
Katie had provided me with a list of the songs that she wanted to play at her last gig! There was bloomin' millions of them! Well, slight exaggeration but it did seem like a suicide mission on her part. It amused me slightly that a lot of the songs that she's commented "knacker her", were in her chosen setlist. I guess its no fun if its easy ;-)
We ended the first half at about 11.45pm to give people a chance to do New Year celebrations. It was really odd... suddenly there was no one in the pub! Taking a peek outside, the whole street outside was full of people hugging.
We started the second half with a punky Auld Lang Syne before getting back to more classic punkiness.
Paul Indesit started playing drums earlier in the year so it had been suggested some time ago that the musicians swap instruments. Paul moved to the drums, Bully moved to guitar and Katie picked up the bass. Talented buggers! Obviously none of them would be able to sing sufficiently well so John and I stayed where we were. *ahem*
The gig finished at about 1.45am at which point people were looking a bit tired after all the jumping about all night. John said a few words about Katie leaving us and manage to reduce her to tears. I gave her a big hug and the whole pub went "awwwww". I'm not sure that helped the tears ;-)

Big thank you to Clive and Yvette for Katie's lovely card. Also thanks to all at the Vintage who helped make it a very special night. Oh and to Jack Sparrow... it never would have worked ;-)
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