Ms Tefal had mentioned to me a little while ago that she is a bit of a Monopoly queen and, I believe the term was, "I'm gonna kick your lily ass". *ahem* Right then! Bring it on!
So on Friday night, we got together to sort it out. Bully was out gigging with his acoustic duo, Fruitcake, so couldn't be there but Marnie and John's daughter Kataya joined in so we had a full table.
Fueled by beer, pringles and pizza, the game went on till the small hours of the morning where Marnie and Kataya were still fighting it out to the death and the rest of us had lost interest. We think Kataya would've won if she hadn't given up and gone to bed and as we caught Marnie cheating anyway, I think that makes Kataya the winner.
A rematch is needed! This time using the kiddie rules ;-)
We're so rock n roll!
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