Punk Rock: Classic and Modern

The REOFFENDERS are on an indefinite break. Never say never, but we currently have no plans to play. However, we had joy and we had fun... and we blogged about it. Enjoy reading and reliving some good times.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Vietnamese Hotels Anyone?

If you visit the guestbook at all, you'll notice that we appear to have been sponsored by Vietnamese Hotel companies. I delete their posts, they repost them.

My guess is that they're trying to boost their Google ratings by appearing on lots of websites. Some of us can manage top spot without resorting to dirty tactics (ahem!).

I'll keep deleting them while I try to figure out away to block them completely but without making it hard for everyone else to post, I don't think that'll be easy.

I am tempted to take up an approach that geek mag .Net came up with a while back. They suggested that everyone adopt a spammer. They demonstrated with a yoyoing email conversation that they had with a spammer who would offer vital information to get rich quick if they parted with $99. The editor kept asking for more information with increasingly stupid questions until the spammer got sick and left him alone.

I notice that also have an Adopt A Spammer campaign. It made me chuckle.

Ok, that's all from geekville this week....


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